
Dec 29, 2018
New Games in the Works
And Now For Something Completely Different... Don't worry, everything is alive and well in the Kingdoms of Immacus, but I have started...

Dec 22, 2018
Development Diary #23
A CREST FRESH FROM THE FORGE The Kravix Crest is complete. I was burning with anticipation to release this, now stand back and gaze upon...

Dec 15, 2018
Development Diary #22
Saying Goodbye to the Hive and the Veil The last Alpha playtest session with the Xizeks and Ethereals has concluded. Of course there will...

Dec 7, 2018
Dealing with Difficult Content in Games
As I was writing the blog post about the Te'Kesh crest, I realized that I needed to address the nature of difficult content and how other...