
Aug 14, 2020
Development Zaddiary #3
ONCE MORE WITH FEELING Fate Weaver Zadarra and Her Unfortunate Misfortune is slowly starting to wind down with the final finishing...

Jul 11, 2020
Automaton-a-Thon #3
DESIGNING IN THE WORLD OF COVID19 2020 has been a pretty awful year what with the pandemic and the world on the verge of collapse, but...

May 17, 2020
Development Zaddiary #2
MILESTONE REACHED: ADVENTURERS COMPLETE! I have been really bad about updates on how Zadarra progress is going. That is primarily because...

Apr 22, 2020
Trollvelopment Diary #10
Milestone Reached: Ancestors Complete! Yay for milestones. I have just finished all the ancestors for Trolltem Poles as well as a couple...

Mar 6, 2020
Development Zaddiary #1
THE FATE WEAVER'S SHOP IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS Welcome to the first development diary for Fate Weaver Zadarra and her Unfortunate Misfortune...

Feb 22, 2020
Trollvelopment Diary #9
Offerings Fit for the Ancestors Well, after a long and crazy year, all the offerings for Trolltem Poles are complete. When I started the...

Oct 26, 2019
Development Diary #27
THE KINGDOMS OF IMMACUS SAN JOSE PROTOSPIEL ROUND UP Kingdoms of Immacus is now officially Protospiel tested (yay). Just like Trolltem...

Oct 16, 2019
Trollvelopment Diary #7
THE TROLLTEM POLES SAN JOSE PROTOSPIEL ROUNDUP Trolltem Poles is now officially Protospiel tested (yay). It was a long weekend and some...

Oct 5, 2019
Development Diary #26
KINGDOMS CLASH WITH CRUNCH TIME It's kind of funny to me that the month I started Trolltem Poles, updates on Kingdoms of Immacus went...

Sep 21, 2019
Trollvelopment Diary #6
CRUNCH TIME WITH EXTRA CRUNCH The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of development, design, and playtesting for Trolltem Poles in...