
Aug 14, 2020
Development Zaddiary #3
ONCE MORE WITH FEELING Fate Weaver Zadarra and Her Unfortunate Misfortune is slowly starting to wind down with the final finishing...

Jul 11, 2020
Automaton-a-Thon #3
DESIGNING IN THE WORLD OF COVID19 2020 has been a pretty awful year what with the pandemic and the world on the verge of collapse, but...

Mar 6, 2020
Development Zaddiary #1
THE FATE WEAVER'S SHOP IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS Welcome to the first development diary for Fate Weaver Zadarra and her Unfortunate Misfortune...

Dec 14, 2019
The Atomic Automaton Protospiel Finale
THE ATOMIC AUTOMATON SAN JOSE PROTOSPIEL ROUNDUP We are now at the end of my thoughts on the San Jose Protospiel. I talked about my...

Oct 26, 2019
Development Diary #27
THE KINGDOMS OF IMMACUS SAN JOSE PROTOSPIEL ROUND UP Kingdoms of Immacus is now officially Protospiel tested (yay). Just like Trolltem...

Oct 16, 2019
Trollvelopment Diary #7
THE TROLLTEM POLES SAN JOSE PROTOSPIEL ROUNDUP Trolltem Poles is now officially Protospiel tested (yay). It was a long weekend and some...

Oct 5, 2019
Development Diary #26
KINGDOMS CLASH WITH CRUNCH TIME It's kind of funny to me that the month I started Trolltem Poles, updates on Kingdoms of Immacus went...

Sep 21, 2019
Trollvelopment Diary #6
CRUNCH TIME WITH EXTRA CRUNCH The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of development, design, and playtesting for Trolltem Poles in...

Mar 2, 2019
Trollvelopment Diary #4
PLAYTESTING SESSION: THREE'S A CROWD I was able to squeeze in a 3-player playtest session for Trolltem Poles to see how all the changes I...

Feb 16, 2019
Development Diary #25
THE ASTRACITE IN THE MIRROR The Astracites have been waiting around for a playtest, and I finally got around to it, and you can check out...