
Sep 11, 2020
Matt and Rosie Parrish and The Bots Up Board Game
Matt and Rosie Parrish are the couple behind the card game Bots Up, which launches on Kickstarter on 15th September 2020. They work in...

Sep 1, 2020
Anthony Hore and The Pet Cemetery Board Game
Anthony Hore is a professional graphic designer and illustrator with a passion for gaming. The Pet Cemetery is Anthony's first board...

Jul 27, 2020
Jonathan Thwaites and the No Escape Campaign
While Jonathan has been developing games as a hobby for as long as he can remember, prior to becoming a professional board game designer,...

Jul 24, 2020
Tatiana Quigley, Illustrator, 3D Modeler, and Artist
With over 5 years experience making games and toys, and a bachelor’s degree in cartoons, Tatiana has established a very broad skillset...

Jul 11, 2020
Eli Beaird and The Scattered Nexus Card Game
Eli, was born and raised in the Bay Area. Known for his enthusiasm for comics and board games, and a long time manga/comic and tabletop...

Jul 1, 2020
Joe Slack and the Relics of Rajavihara Board Game
Joe Slack is a professional board game designer and author of the #1 international best-selling book, The Board Game Designer's Guide, ...

Jun 22, 2020
Tristam Rossin and The Mariana Trench Board Game
Tristam Rossin is a designer and Illustrator living in Manchester, England. He’s spent the last 20 years working in illustration, design,...

Jun 15, 2020
Katia Howatson and the 2021 Board Game Mosaic Calendar
Katia Howatson is an artist and board game enthusiast. When she is not playing games, she is making board game component mosaics. These...

May 28, 2020
Ami Baio and the Flatter Me Interview
Ami Baio is a game designer living and working in magical Portland, Oregon. Previously a massage therapist, writer, and personal...